The first thing you’ll notice when you receive your Narwal T10 is how it blends right into your modern home. The all-white design of both the robot and its base station is perfect for minimalist interiors. The next thing you’ll notice is how easy it is to set up, how quietly it does its job and how efficiently it performs. Just plug in the base station, leaving two feet of space on either side and five feet in front, turn on the robot, recall it to the base station and begin mapping.

That’s where the magic starts: In mapping mode, the robot will zoom along the contours of the room so that, when it comes time to clean, it can follow the same outline. After it vacuums the perimeters, the Narwal T10 cleans the entire floor area in a zigzagging mode. You can prevent it from entering any zone that’s off-limits — due to stairs, low-lying electrical cords or easily toppled floor plants and other household items — with a magnetic strip included in the kit; the no-go zone can also be set up through the Narwal app. A Siri-like voice, which helps you through the entire experience, will kindly alert you when the filter needs emptying.

What makes Narwal especially unique — and revolutionary — is its range of functionality. Unlike similar products, it boasts a mop function that provides deeper cleaning (fresh water and waste water receptacles are housed in the base station). That means this smart gadget can suction up all the dust and then, after its two side brushes have been swapped for mop pads, deliver an even more thorough wipe down. The inclusion of water in the design was its own engineering feat: As Narwal explains, “It was a zero-to-one process to contrive the water flow inside the machine. It also had to comply with electronic safety standards and satisfy the need for a beautiful home-blended industrial design.” On top of that, the company ensured that only the minimum amount of water is consumed. Narwal T10 uses only 16 ounces of water — the size of a grande coffee — to mop a large bedroom suite. Now that’s true innovation.

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The Robot Mop Gets a Design and Functionality Upgrade with the Narwal T10
With a design that fits contemporary spaces, the Narwal T10 robot mop and vacuum makes cleaning effortless.