Our insatiable desire to stand out from the crowd means a stronger push for attention-grabbing colours. Here are five projects and products that combine strong colours in new ways.
1 Pearl District Residence Inn, by SERA Architects
SERA Architects of Oregon applied yellow perforated screens to parts of a new six-storey Marriott hotel in Portland’s trendy Pearl District. The saturated colour adds a visual punch to the streetscape.
2 Nesting Hexagons by Kvadrat
These playful tubes become a chaise longue when lined up in a given formation; they also nest into a singular form. Werner Aisslinger and Nicole Losos developed the clever concept for Kvadrat.
3 Dwelling by Krijn de Koning
This corner is part of a constructed maze, by Dutch artist Krijn de Koning, which takes the form of a half-completed building. The project is on view at Turner Contemporary in Kent, England, until November.
4 Carl Kleiner and Herman Miller
Herman Miller commissioned Stockholm photographer and stylist Carl Kleiner to create a series of compositions that deliver a fresh take on the company’s material and tonal palettes.
5 Shanty Cabinet by BD Barcelona
For this credenza, Doshi Levien used rudimentary corrugated steel construction as the inspiration for its patched together look.