1 Bloody Empire by Timorous Beasties
Nature gets a bit messy in Timorous Beasties’ digital and hand-printed papers, where vibrant images of bees and blood – in red, green, grey and royal blue – starkly contrast the muted damask background. $665 per roll
2 Scrapwood by NXNL
Beams and planks inspired by a rustic barn aesthetic make up Piet Hein Eek’s latest paper for NXNL. The nine-metre-long roll, in eight patterns, contains no repeats. $335 per roll; sourced in Toronto at Are & Be
3 Creature Wall by Maharam
Known for his hyperreal images on white backgrounds, Andrew Zuckerman herded a menagerie – including the zebra and a bird with a worm – into Creature Wall, a mural for Maharam that also features cougars and giraffes. Price on request
4 Tessa by Creative Matters
The customizable kaleidoscopic colours of Creative Matters’ wallpaper are printed on removable vinyl, making it suitable for residential or commercial use. $150 per square metre
5 Trace by Trove
Depicting a forest silhouetted against water (a strip of which is seen here), Trove’s serene offering combines photography and illustration. $172 per square metre
6 Mr. Blow by Abnormals Anonymous
With a blowfish floating in two directions, this whimsical paper from Abnormals Anonymous is printed with VOC-free inks. The shade shown is called Bone Thugs & Harmony. $78 per metre
7 Iso Satakieli by Marimekko
Marimekko’s at-one-with-nature wallcovering combines two rolls (only one is shown) to create a poetic mirrored colourway, in a dual pattern, that measures 1.5 by three metres. $325 per mural (two rolls); sourced in Toronto at New Wall
8 Galaxy Glitch by Rollout
Toronto’s Rollout looked up to the sky and was inspired to design this abstract representation of the firmament, available in custom colours and sizes. $108 per square metre
Set design by Jentry Chin