1 Papercuts by Louise Campbell
Campbell originally intended her fixture, a collaboration with Louis Poulsen Lighting, to be made with textile. But when she began crafting models, the paper she was employing complemented the laser-cut steel frame and made for fascinating plays of light and shadows. The delicate folds enhance the fixture’s honeycomb shape.
2 Beetle Chair by GamFratesi
Stine Gam and Enrico Fratesi reinterpreted the beetle’s round body with a stackable seat that features a hard exterior – inspired by the bug’s carapace – and a soft interior.
3 Georg by Christina Liljenberg Halstrøm
This simple ashwood stool emphasizes its individual components. It’s topped with a slightly oversized grey wool and kapok cushion kept in place with a leather cord.
4 The Dandies by Benandsebastian
Apply lipstick with caution. This ornately fractal mirror is part objet d’art. While practicallity may not be its forte, The Dandies makes you pause and reconsider your environment – distorted and reshaped by its variously shaped segments.