A new workshop designed by Paris’s Les M at the Centre Pompidou-Metz gives kids the chance to build a fortress, napping nook or an arena for a pillow fight.
With the no-touch rule, the sweeping silence and the slow walking pace, a trip to the museum can be a dull test of temperance for energetic youngsters. To shake up the experience, designers Céline Merhand and Anaïs Morel of Les M created the Pillow workshop, an initiative that sees the transformation of a room in the Centre Pompidou-Metz into a cozy play mecca. The space is filled with six giant caterpillar-shaped cushions that stretch five metres – the entire length of the room. The pillows are made of polyether foam and polystyrene and are covered with bright blue, green and yellow fabric. Reminiscent of the Cocon, an oversized lounger with a built-in blanket that Les M designed for Luxembourg’s Superette, the giant cushions feature bulbous extrusions for stacking, twisting and layering. Essentially any formation is possible; a clubhouse can be quickly transitioned into a makeshift bed for resting.
The Pillow workshop will run at the Centre Pompidou-Metz until January 16, 2012.