1 Lynne Cohen: Nothing is Hidden
Cohen is fascinated with ordinary interiors, whether domestic, industrial, athletic or educational, and she zooms in on the odd spatial and decorative characteristics that make these spaces compelling. Note the focus on solid surfaces, light fixtures and office enclosures. Design Exchange, 234 Bay St.
2 Public: Collective Identity | Occupied Spaces
This two-part exhibition (the sister installation is on at MOCCA) of work by nine photographers, including New York native Benjamin Lowy, San Fran- and Toronto-based Sanaz Mazinani and Seoul’s Noh Suntag, captures the dialogue between politics and public space. Most compelling: protest images from the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement; and, on a lighter note, Ai Weiwei extending his middle finger to iconic landmarks (including the Eiffel Tower) around the world. University of Toronto Art Centre, 15 King’s College Cir.
3 Afghanistan – Larry Towell and Donovan Wylie
While Larry Towell‘s black-and-white images capture the ongoing war’s devastating effects on civilians, soldiers and insurgents, Donovan Wylie‘s colour photographs record military architecture, or more specifically, the transformation of Afghanistan’s landscape. See how watchtowers and operating bases built by Canadian troops have changed the face of Kandahar province. Institute for Contemporary Culture, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Pk.
4 Fordlandia: The Lost City of Henry Ford
Dan Dubowitz visited Henry Ford’s now abandonded, pre-fab manufacturing hub in the Amazon to document the ruins of a rubber factory, employee housing and recreational facilities. Offering a glimpse into the imperialistic destruction Ford wreaked during the Great Depression, his photo series might cause viewers to reflect on the current climate of manufacturing development at home and abroad. Bau-Xi Photo, 324 Dundas St. W.
6 Enitre City Project
Architect-turned-photographer Michael Awad’s ongoing series of photographs from Milan and Toronto has shifted focus from urban architecture to how people move in the city. See his mosaics of Toronto’s Eaton Centre and St. Lawrence Market as well as Milan’s monolithic Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Nicholas Metivier Gallery, 451 King St. W.
See the entire list of exhibitions at scotiabankcontactphoto.com