The International Garden Festival has put out a call for entries to select designers to create the new temporary gardens for the Festival’s 24th edition, which will open on June 23, 2023, on the site of Les Jardins de Métis / Reford Gardens. Building on the success of the past summer (where 60,000 visitors safely toured twenty-five garden installations on the theme of Adaptation), the Festival is seeking projects that explore the valourization, transmission and reactualization of traditional knowledge and savoir-faire. Racines / Roots is the theme to which we are inviting designers to respond with their proposals to imagine a present and a future that is ecologically, economically and culturally responsible by drawing on the teachings of past generations.
This call for proposals is open to all landscape architects, architects, visual artists and multidisciplinary teams from Canada and abroad. The Festival encourages participants to form multidisciplinary teams. Applicants are limited to one proposal, either as individuals or as a team. Participants can be from a single city or country or cross international boundaries.
Designers whose work has been exhibited in one of the last three editions (2020, 2021 or 2022) of the Festival are not eligible for this call for proposals.
The deadline to submit proposals electronically is TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2022 at 17:00 EST. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.