TerraViva Competitions launches The Cuban Square, a new architecture competition that aims to explore the potentialities of Plaza de la Revolución (Havana, Cuba) in order to come up with creative design proposals capable of giving it a new life. Prizes up to 6.000 € will be awarded to the winners selected by an international jury panel.
The goal of this competition is to explore the potentialities of Plaza de la Revolución, in order to come up with a design proposal capable of giving it a new life. How could it be transformed into a place for community life and social interaction? What kind of intervention might turn the square into a livelier area, accessible and functional for both local dwellers and international tourists?
The Cuban Square aims at reinterpreting a space full of history and cultural value through innovative and original projects. Designers are therefore completely free to decide the programs and the type of interventions they want to experiment on the site. Be creative and do not hesitate to “revolutionize” the square.
Competitors have to submit two A1 panels (59,4 x 84,1 cm) landscape oriented + a brief text describing the proposal (up to 250 words). Panels must contain all the necessary graphic information to explain the project in the best way possible (title, diagrams, sketches, 3D visualizations, plans and sections, collages, model photos, etc.). All kinds of graphic representations will be accepted.
The competition is open to anyone interested in the fields of design and architecture. Participants can join the competition either individually or with a team.