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Wege Prize 2025

Wege Prize returns for 2025 to ignite game-changing solutions for the future by inspiring college and university students worldwide to collaborate in teams across institutional, disciplinary, and cultural boundaries to redesign products and systems for a more circular economy.

For this competition, each team must collaboratively design and propose a product, service, system, or other solution to a problem of their choosing that can help a linear economic model transition to a circular economic model.


The Wege Prize 2025 competition invites college/university students from around the world to apply as transdisciplinary teams of five, representing different academic disciplines, institutions, and degree levels.

Judging Criteria

  • Circular – helping accelerate the transition to a circular economy and a shift towards renewables. Not just recycling/upcycling, but designing out waste entirely
  • Innovative – providing unique value and exploring untapped potential
  • Viable – demonstrating marketability, profitability, and financial sustainability
  • Scalable – effectively contribute to expanding the circular economy at a global level
  • Systemic – accounting for the way in which parts of a system both influence each other and work as a whole
  • Not solely reliant on behavioral change – if behavioral change is needed for your solution to work, how will you help drive it?
  • Human centred – includes demonstrated research and consideration of the user and any affected communities in all aspects of the design


  • First Place: $30,000 (USD)
  • Second Place: $20,000 (USD)
  • Third Place: $10,000 (USD)
  • Finalist Awards (2): $2,500 (USD)
Apply Now
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