Developed by a trio of expat software engineers wanting to improve the indoor air quality of their own family homes while living in China, Mila features eight sensors that detect both airborne micro-particles (smoke, allergens, dust mites, pet dander, viruses and more) as well as carbon monoxide and humidity levels and potential mould growth. Encased in a crisp white perforated shell that reads more modern artwork than utilitarian appliance, the cube-shaped unit calculates the size of the room it’s in to deliver a consistent level of performance.

Seven HEPA certified filters are offered that are tailored to specific needs – for example, battling allergens, protecting sensitive or developing immune systems or removing chemicals and off-gassing from new paint, carpets and furniture – that allow for personalized control over an interior environment. The accompanying app shows how much of the air has been cleaned and the time taken, while a presence-detecting Quit Mode function keeps the noise down when people are in the room and deeps cleans when it knows it’s alone.