A teaching ideology that gives equal weight to three key concentrations: product design, visual communication and eco-social design.
Ensconced in a picture-perfect Alpine setting in Italy’s South Tyrol, aspiring designers in Bozen-Bolzano’s Faculty of Design and Art hone their “ability to create communication that involves all the senses and, through their creations, provoke a critical analysis of the status quo.” Imparting practical and intellectual tools through interdisciplinary and team-based learning, faculty take a two-pronged approach, looking to mould students’ professional development and also nurture their individual talents. Design, they propose, is a tool for “deep observation and knowledge in a way that few other disciplines do.” Programs are trilingual, involving Italian, German and English.
The bachelor program allows students to choose from two majors: design or art. The two-year master’s is a practice-oriented and transdisciplinary program that provides an educational framework for designers who aim to contribute to more sustainable, resilient and equitable futures; it includes perspectives from sectors such as business, activism, technology and craft.
Notable alumni
Veronika Wildgruber, Lupo&Burtscher, Robert Fliri, Harry Thaler, Julian Lechner
Notable faculty
Antonino Benincasa, Kris Krois, Giorgio Camuffo, Nitzan Cohen