Made from a mix of new and recycled plastics, Diana Lynn VanderMeulen’s Strawberry Milk Plaid chair (spotted during “Libations for Liberated Living” at the plumb gallery) proves that plaid is still totally rad. The acrylic pattern is hand-laminated onto CNC-cut Lucite forms.
One of the standouts at “Purpose and Play,” an exhibition held by DesignTO and Umbra, Maha Alavi’s Frooot bowl is cast from resin in a frosted finish. Its inviting handle makes it perfect for shuttling fresh produce over to the dinner table.
“Walking Backwards,” an improv theatre-inspired show staged by Toronto’s Coolican & Company with Seattle’s Fin, sourced design prompts on Instagram, then developed them into concepts using “Yes, and…” thinking. “Translucent,” “Acropolis,” “inclement weather” and “luxurious” added up to this neon Plexiglas petal attached to a fluted concrete base.
Three prototypes revisit the see-through style and gel pen palette of the pre-Y2K era.